Saturday, September 15, 2018

HR Interview tips ..DOs and DONT .... HR ROUND ...

hr interview tips / hr interview do n don's / hr interview process.

HRs are very proud about their company so beware.  

  • Visit the website of the company that you are taking up an interview. Collect positives informations(Number of employees working, IJP, Year of start, Growth Rate) to convince HR that this is your dream company.
  • Do not choose a company too far away from your residence.If not atleast mention your friends address which near t the company and u can shift if you get a job.Many company has a selection kilometers range which is not mentioned any where.
  • Do not talk anything bad about your previous company.
  • Do talk about your achievements, awards, recognition, incentives, most productive month and how did u cross it the next time.  
  • Ensure your objective is aligned with the job applying for. 
  • Have a GOOD reason for change .don't  use following ....blaming the previous company or lead ,own business, health issues, work pressure, target pressure, bad attitude and fear factors.
  • Be prior to the appointment time and groom ur self. In certain interviews like client relationship manager/ client facing profiles ON TIME is considered as LATE...
  • Agree upon all conditions of the interviewer some of it is not even real like (you have bond, you have work here to 2 years, you have to submit ur original docs) - get the offer letter - then decide upon taking it or not - Any resistance shown/ Even thinking for mins ... will only get them reject you considering your not open.This is called stress test/Pressure test. 
  • Do not tell discuss about your offers at hand until you know what is been offered to you.

All the best
Vijay Y

1 comment:

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